Earth and wind in the Anthropocene
Lukuaika: 11 min.Huijbens and Benediktsson focus on the necessity of the energy transition to tackle climate change, more specifically the development of wind energy. In re-reading old ideas and future aspirations in this context, opportunities exist for envisioning the future differently and create alternatives to grand narratives and fix-all panaceas.
Decarbonising energy regimes: Methodological explorations and empirical insights for policy
Lukuaika: 11 min.Karoliina Isoaho’s lectio praecursoria presents the main findings of her dissertation and offers advice for policy and practice.
Internet Memes and their Role in Environmental Communication
Lukuaika: 6 min.Internet memes have entered the climate change discussion as a way for the masses to process the impending threat of a warming climate. But what kind of role climate-themed memes have in environmental communication?