Building up a ruin to come: why the Russian waste reform seems doomed to fail in rural areas?
Lukuaika: 14 min.Waste is currently one of the most pressing environmental concerns in Russia. In recent years country’s poor waste management has triggered several nationwide protests. Pressure from the civil society resulted in new waste reform in 2019. But has it been enough to solve Russia’s waste crisis?
Почему российская «мусорная» реформа обречена на провал в сельской местности?
Lukuaika: 13 min.Проблема отходов – это одна из самых серьезных экологических проблем в России в настоящее время. В последние годы неэффективная система обращения с отходами в стране спровоцировала несколько общенациональных протестов. Давление со стороны гражданского общества привело к новой реформе обращения с отходами в 2019 году. Но оказалось ли этого достаточно для разрешения кризиса с отходами в России?
Why should we stop talking about GDP and how it will help the environment
Lukuaika: 6 min.Economic growth is measured with the help of a large variety of indicators, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the most well-known and common one. But what are the alternative indicators, when not only economy but environmental values are also taken into account?
Sámi´s enactments of the Arctic Railway: sustainable development or environmental injustice?
Lukuaika: 8 min.Since the construction of a railway between Rovaniemi and Kirkenes was put on the political agenda in 2017, Sámi have articulated that the Arctic Railway would undermine capabilities essential to the functioning and flourishing of the Sámi community. In her text based on the master’s thesis, Anna Ott articulates for the environmental injustices the planning of Artic Railway may cause.
Decarbonising energy regimes: Methodological explorations and empirical insights for policy
Lukuaika: 11 min.Karoliina Isoaho’s lectio praecursoria presents the main findings of her dissertation and offers advice for policy and practice.
What do surveys reveal about the popularity of vegetarian diets in Finland?
Lukuaika: 13 min.This review looks at how the popularity of vegetarian diets in Finland has changed between 1997 and 2018. According to surveys, the number of vegetarians decreased in the early 2000s, but started to grow again after 2014.
Internet Memes and their Role in Environmental Communication
Lukuaika: 6 min.Internet memes have entered the climate change discussion as a way for the masses to process the impending threat of a warming climate. But what kind of role climate-themed memes have in environmental communication?
Shame and Guilt in Flight Shame
Lukuaika: 6 min.In the time of environmental awareness, people are becoming not only more conscious but also more ashamed of flying. What might flight shame help us to understand?
Memorials of naval mine war as places of social involvement
Lukuaika: 8 min.Memorials have a role of connecting the present community to a point in history, giving memorials a potential to work as voice to groups of people forgotten by the narratives of the past.
Searching for the roots of exclusion – how sociological view on animals started to form
Lukuaika: 9 min.Salla Tuomivaara has studied the development of sociological ideas on animals and tried to find the reasons for the invisibility of animals in the tradition of sociology.