Earth and wind in the Anthropocene
Lukuaika: 11 min.Huijbens and Benediktsson focus on the necessity of the energy transition to tackle climate change, more specifically the development of wind energy. In re-reading old ideas and future aspirations in this context, opportunities exist for envisioning the future differently and create alternatives to grand narratives and fix-all panaceas.
Building up a ruin to come: why the Russian waste reform seems doomed to fail in rural areas?
Lukuaika: 14 min.Waste is currently one of the most pressing environmental concerns in Russia. In recent years country’s poor waste management has triggered several nationwide protests. Pressure from the civil society resulted in new waste reform in 2019. But has it been enough to solve Russia’s waste crisis?
Почему российская «мусорная» реформа обречена на провал в сельской местности?
Lukuaika: 13 min.Проблема отходов – это одна из самых серьезных экологических проблем в России в настоящее время. В последние годы неэффективная система обращения с отходами в стране спровоцировала несколько общенациональных протестов. Давление со стороны гражданского общества привело к новой реформе обращения с отходами в 2019 году. Но оказалось ли этого достаточно для разрешения кризиса с отходами в России?
Why should we stop talking about GDP and how it will help the environment
Lukuaika: 6 min.Economic growth is measured with the help of a large variety of indicators, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the most well-known and common one. But what are the alternative indicators, when not only economy but environmental values are also taken into account?