Laura Watts is interested in how energy futures get made.
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Katso Laura Wattsin keynote-luento ”NatureCultureElectric: Going on together with energy”

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Watch here the YHYS Colloquium Keynote presentation 1: Professor Laura Watts, University of Edinburgh: ”NatureCultureElectric: Going on together with energy” (22.11.2018) and Versus’s interview with Watts. Watts tells in the interview: ”I’m interested and I work with how particularly energy futures get made. I’ve been working for the last ten years in the Islands of Orkney of the North East coast of Scotland. I’ve been collaborating with organizations and companies in Orkney and thinking about how they do their futures, how they think about their futures, what are the practices by which they make their energy futures.”

Interview with Laura Watts

Keynote presentation 1: Professor Laura Watts, University of Edinburgh: ”NatureCultureElectric: Going on together with energy”

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